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Board on Board fence with 1' of lattice installed with 1" overlap on fence pickets, offers the highest privacy, security, and bold look to brighten up your yard.
​Installed with pressure treated 2"x8" or 2"x12" kickboard at base of fence made for ground contact to increase durability of fence. Also includes pressure treated/con common 2x4 rails for framing of fence. Post are made of pressure treated 4x4, set in 30" - 36" of cement to increase durability, and crowned at the top for water run off. Full pictured framed with 1x1 redwood strips on bottom and sides of fence sections. Fence shown is single lattice, can install up to three layers of lattice for added privacy if requested. Fence is great for shared boundaries with need for extra privacy, because the fence looks the same on both sides!

Board on Board fence installed with 1" overlap on fence pickets, offers the high privacy and security.
Installed with pressure treated 2"x8" or 2"x12" kickboard at base of fence made for ground contact to increase durability. Also includes pressure treated/con common 2x4 rails for framing of fence. Post are made of pressure treated 4x4 (metal post alsos available if requested), set in 18" - 24" of cement to increase durability, and crowned at the top for water run off. Full pictured framed with 1x1 redwood strips on bottom and sides of fence sections. Fence is great for shared boundaries, because the fence looks the same on both sides!
Dogeared fence offers highest affordability, shown with 1" overlap and kickboard
Fence shown is with 1" overlap for added privacy, boards usually butted against each other instead of overlapped. Also shown with (3) 2x4 rails for extra strength and includes a pressure treated kickboard which isn't required. Post are made of pressure treated 4x4 (metal post also available if requested), set in 18" - 24" of cement to increase durability, and crowned at the top for water run off. Fences on shared boundaries can be installed "good neighbor style" which alternates the pickets between you and your neighbor every section.